Friday, April 29, 2005


Another down month. This slow draw down is killing me slowly. But I must remain patient and watch the market's 1,2 step. Still believe the indices will come down further until we get some capitulation. Maybe next week's fomc and job number will move it up or further down for a major sell off. Today, I made a grave mistake of not being patient and too jumpy. I bought matk at 33.30 on thur, fri it open high and was trending lower, so I put in a stop at 33.40. It proceeded downward to hit my stops and all day it shot to the moon and closed at 38 and change. That is what you call a classic live and learn experience. This up and down mkt is making me take profit. Dumped all my insp for -3/share, iniate long on aig at 50 and play at 17.05.
Next week will be another big week.

Trades: sold matk, long aig and play
Watch: positions
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -5.10/share
aapl -4.60/share
sgtl -1.40/share
play +.04/share
aig +.85/share

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Today's action was another very negative day. Few more day of these dog days and all the talking heads will be screaming recession instead of soft patch. Today, day traded itri for +1/share, also bought insp a bit too early at 34.25. I was thinking since it dropped over 25% how much lower can this stock go. Well I guess it can go another 5% to 30%. Will see what tomorrow bring to sell for a loss. Tomorrow should be rocky again with gdp numbers. I'll also watch mchp( great eps and rev, if open below 27.50 will buy and out at 28.5). Also, sbux ( good numbers, will watch what happens).

Trades: daytraded itri , long insp
Watch: positions
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -4.90/share
aapl -5.10/share
sgtl -1.86/share
insp -2/share

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Today's action was very negative because the volume was decent, the new high vs. new low is in favor of the new lows, number of adv vs. decline was in the favor of the decline. So , down we go until maybe next months fomc meeting. Today, cover my rimm for +1.10/share, this stock really moves all around. My sina may pop a little due to ntes numbers tomorrow. I'm slowly building cash for next months run up. For tomorrow, insp ( good earnings but guide low, 35.5-35, will definitely buy) and itri ( great earnings, 36 or high will short).

Trades: cover rimm
Watch: positions
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -5.10/share
aapl -4.80/share
sgtl -.86/share

Monday, April 25, 2005


Today's action was slightly negative because the volume was light and the new high vs. new low is in favor of the new lows. Thus, I'm still negative on the market. Today, I sold off all of rimm for +1.20/share, and initiated a short at 68.57. Was very patient to not sell at the beginning and hold off towards the end to sell. There was no news for the run up so I took profit and shorted. Didn't see anything in the after hour earnings to play tomorrow.

Trades: sold rimm and initiate short
Watch: positions
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -4.50/share
aapl -4.00/share
rimm -.25/share
sgtl -.80/share

Friday, April 22, 2005


Finally back on the bear train. I guess next week should prove if this bear is strong. Gdp, consumer confidence, and housing numbers should guide next week. Also we are still in the middle of earnings, so more chances to buy if the market tanks further , which I still believe it will. Today, cover hdi, very very early, it moved up in the morning and I panicked again and cover for a +.16/share, that was pathetic because this sucker slower went down for a -1 loss. Cover vrsn for +.10/share it was resisting the 29 mark so I just took it out. Bought and resold aig for +.10/share, didn't want to hang around this over the weekend. Add more shares to sgtl, this went down with the syna sympathy. If it goes down further , I'll definitely accumulate. Basically, a terrible week for me with all of these volatility.

Trades: cover vrsn, hdi, add to position on sgtl
Watch: positions
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -4/share
aapl -5.50/share
rimm -1.70/share
sgtl -.40/share

Thursday, April 21, 2005


A huge upday today, however, I still do not think we are out of the wood yet. The number of new lows vs. hi out numbers it in the nyse and the naz. When I see this, I'm thinking there are still people in the sideline. I need an all out buying spree or selling spree for me to be convinved we are out of the wood. So, today I initiated two shorts, short on hdi and vrsn, both of these ran up high and it will probably go down for a point. As for Nue, I exited all position , jumped the gun definitely too early, if I would have waited I would have a gain instead of a loss. I know I need to have more patient and not let the market scare me out. Also, dumped my ttwo for a -1.25 loss and sold aig for +.60/share gain. Also, sold half of aapl for a -4/share loss. Basically, getting rid of all my losers in this upward move and repositioning my shorts. Tomorrow I'll just watch the market, because I've taken enough lose for the month to initiate any more positions.

Trades: short hdi and vrsn, sold ttwo, aig, and cover nue
Watch: postions
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -3.60/share
aapl -4.10/share
rimm -.20/share
sgtl +2.25/share
vrsn -.05/share
hdi -.10/share

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


A very negative day, started with the cpi spooking the market. I think we have some more downside before we move up. So far, the earnings coming out has been good, but we continue to sell off at any negative economic numbers. Today, dumped all my rimm at 70 for a +.25/share, then rebought it at 67.80. My sgtl which gave a fantastic earnings and guidance sold off like crazy. Which made me pick up some to add to my winning position, now I have it at 28.75 compare to 27.12. Cover half of my nue for a -1/share, will see what happens before dumping the rest tomorrow. As for tomorrow, I'll watch ffiv( great earnings, selling off in ah, anything below 42.50 I'm in), vrsn ( great eps and rev. if open below 27.50, I'm in if the market cooperates).

Trades: sold and rebought rimm, add to position on sgtl, cover half of nue
Watch: ffiv, vrsn
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -3.90/share
ttwo -1.30/share
aapl -5.50/share
aig -.10/share
rimm -.05/share
sgtl +0.75/share
nue -.77/share

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Slightly negative today, but the ppi number helped the market out. Tomorrow should be a great day with yhoo and intc's great earnings, only if the cpi doesn't give us any surprise. Today I didn't perform any trade, watched lss in the morning was going to buy it,somehow the spread was very large which spooked me. However, throughout the day it moved up. Tomorrow, I got stx on my radar(great eps and rev, if it opens around 18). Will probably cover my nue tomorrow for a lost, earnings is on Thur, which may be good.

Trades: none
Watch: stx
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -3.25/share
ttwo -0.50/share
aapl -4/share
aig +.48/share
rimm -0.55/share
sgtl +3.60/share ah it is up 2pts.
nue -2.15/share

Monday, April 18, 2005


Still negative, even though the tape shows a mixed day. Lots of companies announcing this week , which mean several catalysts to make this market move. Today, shorted nue at 51, just believe these steel stock will be coming down. Otherwise, just watched the market all day. As for tomorrow, lss will be on my radar ( great rev and eps, if it opens below 39 I'm in and will target 40 as my exit).

Trades: short nue
Watch: lss
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -4.05/share
ttwo -0.71/share
aapl -5.50/share
aig +.16/share
rimm -0.97/share
sgtl +2.60/share
nue -.65/share

Friday, April 15, 2005


What a great down day today. I'm starting to see the beginning of the panic , so I started to nibble on a few stock. I want this panic to intensify all next week, don't know will it happen, but if it does I'm ready to buy more. Well as for my stock I dumped all my kosp and apol for quite a large loss. Today , I picked up aig at 51.10 and rimm at 69.75. Watched dna, shoot up wanted to short it but was hesitant because everyone was going into the healthcare/biotech sectors. Next week will be big with cpi and ppi coming out. I'll watch snda next week, this stock barely moved with this huge downside.

Trades: cover apol -1.50/share, cover kosp -8.40, bought rimm and aig
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -3.9/share
ttwo -1.10/share
aapl -5.71/share
aig -0.01/share
rimm -0.04/share
sgtl +1.60/share

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Another negative day. Still do not see my indicator moving upward. The index may test the lows and bust through it. Today, cover my aapl for +1.75/share and went long at 41.02. Even though it is down after hours, the analyst will start upgrading this baby for a pop. Sold all of flir for +1.20/share , it will probably go up a bit more, but it hit my expected target. My kosp got clobber with the settlement, didn't cover, will wait till tomorrow's profit taking to sell for a loss. Tomorrow, I'll watch mogn ( low end of earnings and rev, if dropped below 24 short it and cover at 23)

Trades: sold flir, cover aapl, and long aapl
Watch: aapl, mogn
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -2.7/share
ttwo -1.10/share
aapl -0.60/share
apol -2.30/share
kosp -8.40/share

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Wow what a big turn around on decent high volume. Will it last and push us further? Just don't think so yet, this fed memo wasn't anything new, it was expected. Believe a lot of short covering propel the market near the end, not heavy buying. But, we will see as the week progress. Today went long on flir, yes it was down huge on lower q1 outlook, but picked it up at 24.20, will probably sell tomorrow at 25.40 is my target. My apol got slammed, somehow the fed memo also affected this educational company. Tomorrow I'll watch my aapl to see what it does, think it will be down due to the competition factor. They will probably meet or exceed earnings, but the guidance will be the factor. Also watch pbg for a short if it reaches beyond 31. Didn't get to watch dna because I was watching flir.

Trades: long flir 24.20
Watch: pbg , aapl
Current unrealized g/l:
flir +.30/share
sina -1.80/share
ttwo -0.48/share
aapl +0.36/share
apol -3.30/share
kosp -2.40/share

Monday, April 11, 2005


Today all 3 of my market indicators was pointing it as negative. I've never had all negative readings before. But, what was positive is the market was in a very light Monday volume. So basically it means the market is bearish but since the volume was light it can not be confirm. Today, I didn't perform any trades, watched dna trended lower at days end. Will watch it tomorrow to see how it react to earnings, if it starts to move up, I'll jump in for a day trade. Well at least my short on aapl is paying off, will probably cover tomorrow or Wednesday before earnings announcement.

Trades: none
Watch: dna
Current unrealized g/l:
sina -1.80/share
ttwo -0.41/share
aapl +1.10/share
apol -1.50/share
kosp -2.70/share

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Blogger was having problems so my post for Thur was lost. But anyway, I'm not really seeing the market making any upward move. Maybe this weeks option expiration, retail sales, and apple's confession can either boost the market or drop it further. I sold all my aig, it broke through my stops for a +1.55/share. Also, dumped all my bmet on Thur for a +.70/share. Add more to my kosp short, it is just too high also, they are still in the process of the settlement, which can fall through. Cover my bbby short for a +.35/share , got very lucky it came down on Fri. This week I'll watch for apple's confession.

Watch: Current positions
Current unrealized g/l:

sina -1.25/share
ttwo -0.41/share
aapl -0.70/share
apol -1.43/share
kosp -3.35/share

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Another mixed day. Wow this market is really going sideways. Today I sold the other half of my snda for a +2.4/share an extra .90 cent from yesterday. I picked up the competitor sina at 31.25 because this stock was in the red while all the others were green. I didn't see any news except for rumors about them rejecting snda's bid. If it continues its slide I'll have to kill it. Tomorrow, I'll watch bbby and dell. BBBY beat eps and revenues, I think it might touch 39.80, if it moves to 38.50 or below in the morning I'll buy. Dell, had some great news on their cc, will see how it reacts to it before buying, if it goes down to 37.50, I'll buy.

Trades: sold all of snda +2.9/share, long sina at 31.25
Watch: Current positions
Current unrealized g/l:
bmet -0.73/share
sina -0.65/share
ttwo -1.20/share
aapl +0.26/share
apol -2.11/share
kosp -1.93/share
aig +2.65/share

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Another mixed day. Sold half my snda for a +1.5/share, this stock just went up for no news. Will watch tomorrow to determine will I sell the rest. Wanted to short rimm near the end, but it was so erratic which made me nervous as to which way the market will move it. Apol is moving against me, no news out there except for the sec finishing one of their investigation. However, believe there growth is slowing. I may have to take a loss because it is getting close to my stop out point. Nothing to watch tomorrow , except for my current positions.

Trades: none
Watch: Current positions
Current unrealized g/l:
bmet -1.54/share
snda +1.10/share
ttwo -1.05/share
aapl +0.70/share
apol -2.71/share
kosp -1.53/share
aig +2.65/share

Monday, April 04, 2005


A mixed day, but still slightly negative. Without any significant economic numbers this week, we may just bounce around lower. Did not made any trades today, just watched my positions bounce around. At least my aig rally big, and I think it will move up further since majority of the bad/good news are out. My target is 61 because there are still unknowns. Also watched rimm, wow this was a real rollercoaster, up,down, sideways, and up in ah!! I don't know about this stock going into earnings tomorrow.

Trades: none
Watch: Current positions
Current unrealized g/l:
bmet -2.29/share
snda -.60/share
ttwo -.55/share
aapl +1.50/share
apol -1.26/share
kosp -.76/share
aig +2.95/share

Friday, April 01, 2005


A decent amount of selling today but not the panic selling yet. There should either have a large selloff then rally or have a fake rally and go down slowly. Next week there are no important economic numbers, rimm will announce and dell's conference will probably guide the naz. Today, I just could not resist and bought aig at 50.35. I'm just playing for the bounce, I don't like this stock with all the unknown out there, and the enron , worldcom ghost are still around everyone's mind. Didn't take any position on rimm, will watch it again on Mon. As for my other positions I'm confident about them, but will be patient and not get scared about short term movements.

Trades: long aig
Watch: Current positions
Current unrealized g/l:
bmet -1.87/share
snda +.06/share
ttwo -1.08/share
aapl +1.70/share
apol -.80/share
kosp -.92/share
aig +.60/share

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