Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Well forgot to post yesterday, had something else to do. Today the market was spectacular. It rally in the morning and fizzle just a liitle bit near the end. Even though market is up, it didn't seem like everyone was buying like crazy. Did two round trip trades today. Was a bit early to exit my trade on slab, but it hit my loss limit. The other trade was crdn, which was a better trade. My plmo was slaughtered today, because the CEO resign. If it continue to decline tomorrow I will have to take it out. Several earnings will be coming out this week, also everyone is talking about the iraq election and the fomc meeting in Feb. Market is still neutral.

Trades: slab +.16/share crdn +.44/share

Watch: sgtl (came in with great earnings today but believe it will drift down tomorrow, great for a short play). chkp ( still playing with the 24 ish lows)

Current Pos: plmo -7/share
aapl +10/share
hott -.40/share
cree -6/share


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