Thursday, February 17, 2005


Well the nasdaq dropped and so did my portfolio. Watched adbl all day and only profited .10/share, that was pitiful. But thank goodness, I had stop limits or it will be down .80/ share. Will definitely watch it again tomorrow, for a play. Also, ntgr and nvda I'll watch tomorrow. I don't like how nasdaq did not participate with the s&p and dow rally the past few weeks. I guess the smart money is not interested in the techs. Option expiration and ppi number will shake up the market again tomorrow.

Trade: adbl for .10/share
watch: adbl , ntgr ( lower 14 ish), nvda ( good earnings , maybe this will be the fuel for higher highs)
Current position:
syna -5/share
driv -2/share
snda -5.25/share
insp -2.30/share
ccmp -1.45/share
aapl +26.40/share
cree -11.25/share
plmo -5.80/share


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