It is just one of those weeks, when it rain it pours. I'm definitely in a slump with all my picks. The lower oil price is not helping my oil stocks, where is the heck are all the buyers cheering it when it was at 78/barrel? Now everyone is talking about 55-60/ barrel, and the only thing that has changed is the hurricane season as been a no show. But, we forget so easily that Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria are still there to cause trouble. I'm still bullish on the oils, but I need some upward movement before committing. Also, the tech is continue to move higher, which sucks because of my shorts on the sector. I'll have to cover rimm for a major loss, but will keep aapl. Apple's conference wasn't that spectacular, where is this ipod phone that was floating around the rumor mill. New ipods and the movie download deal will only generate a small amount of revenue. So this stock should start to slowly move downward to the upper 60's since the news are already out.
Longs Cost Unrealized g/l:
vlo 63.83
uso 65.70
Short Cost Unrealized g/l:
rimm 73.87
aapl 62.40
where are you???
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